
Improvised Phased Piano

Brookes University – Listening Group
May 2010

A solo take on the blindfolded piano. 3 piano parts were played and recorded by myself in isolation, each being one key played ever more slowly. Over this was an improvised piano piece. Mixed, played back via laptop.


Chromatic Drum Phasing

Brookes University – Listening Group
May 2010

A piece composed in Reason which plays a simple chord progression and then it’s ‘beat equivalent’, playing tempos proportional to the wavelength of each note. The tones and beats are then mixed in an exploratory composition.


Blindfolded Piano

Brookes University – Music Rooms
April 2010

Three people sit at a piano blindfolded and wearing ear protection. Each chooses a key and on a cue they starts hitting it. They gradually slow down the playing of the key until they stop on another cue. Performance time usually around 5 minutes.


Tone Phasing Slowing

Research and Development Presentation
Brookes University – Arena
March 2010

Experimental sounds generated with PureData layering multiple descending sine waves – from a few waves up to several thousand – exploring the tipping points between noise, tone and beats and the meditative effect on the listener.


Clapping Piece

Creative Strategies final solo work
Brookes University – Black Box studio
February 2010

For this performance I sat before the audience with a soft lighting rig on me and partially on them, also seated. Upon standing up I started clapping rapidly and gradually slowed it minute by minute until each clap became uncomfortably far apart. After 8 minutes I stopped with the last gap between claps lasting approximately one minute.


Tree Questionnaire

Port Meadow – Oxford
November 2009

A series of questions were left on a tree in Port Meadow for customer feedback on the tree’s performance for the local council.


Leaves Collaboration

Creative Strategies collaborative work @ Brookes University
October 2009

Mike and I worked together to trap the audience in a circle of leaves formed by moving them around with our feet.  This was a good education in communication and was a lot of fun, despite the wet feet.


Tree Poetry

Port Meadow – Oxford
October 2009

The beginnings of a poem were left on a tree in Port Meadow with a pen as an invitation to contribute.


7 Breakfasts

Creative Strategies solo work @ Brookes University
September 2009

An audio piece multilayering a week of recordings preparing breakfast.
